27 abril 2013

3D printable generative design

"El negocio no está en la Realidad Aumentada, el negocio importante es el del geoposicionamiento de la gente, el negocio de dirigir a las personas a lugares, ya sean discotecas, restaurantes o museos".

Los modelos de negocio sobre cómo sacar partido al universo del additive manufacturing, empieza a encontrar matices interesantes.

Una de estas son las opciones que está investigando Digital Forming, con sus servicios de generative design. Un buen ejemplo es UCODO.


Como bien explican ellos:

UCODO empowers mass customization using digital manufacturing and 3D printing on-demand.
The platform allows professional product designers and design orientated businesses to set up an online business for mass customization.
Through the ODO.Studio, designers can invite their customers to collaborate on the design of products, which can then be fabricated at the click of a button.
In the UCODO world, everything remains virtual until ordered, allowing you to run a business with a positive cash flow. There is no stocks, warehousing or waste. What’s more, local production saves you time and money whilst also helping the environment.
UCODO stands for ‘User Co-Design Objects’, which builds upon our notion of ODO ‘Original Design Objects’ and CODO ‘Co-Design Objects’.

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